Sunday, March 29, 2009

Snow and Crocus's

It snowed last night.  Wet and sloppy but not a lot at my house, about an inch. And since it is cold outside I am roasting some soup bones.  One last pot of soup before it gets to warm to have the oven on two hours and then a simmering pot for several more.  Ahhh, soup.  I am going to forgo the oxtails and use just the soup bones.  How can I do this you might ask?  Well the store that I buy the bones from leave a fair amount of meat on them.  And I don't want a lot meat this time. I will still have a lot of veggies so I am good.

Christina is coming over to talk to her dad about her student loans.  She is late and since he cosigned for them it is affecting our credit.  So I will also make another meal for the family.  The soup is for me!  I am going to make guacamole for her and probably enchiladas for dinner.  I'm not sure yet. I made chili and chicken fajitas this week already so i might do something different. I'm not sure what.  But I am going to go to the store now for weekly supplies so I have time to figure something out.

I still spend way to much time on Facebook.  I am playing YoVille and having way too much fun. But since I can't get anyone to play with me I am not able to go up any levels.  Oh well.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


So I went from posting every day to once a week now it has been a month.  I have found that time management on the facebook is important. I need to cut back. I am still fascinate by it and I keep looking for friends.  I have been called a luddite, but also told that I post more than any one the know.  But I like that I can post news articles to my fb and not even be on it.  I play games with women I know and some I don't know.  But this too will end.  I seem to getting carpal tunnel on my right wrist from the mouse.  I use the mouse a lot at work so when I use it at home for an intense hour of games on facebook, it hurts a lot.  So facebooking will definitely have to decline in usage.  The sad part is that I really like the networking.  I have connected with people that I have not thought about in 15 years and made new friends that I probably would not know otherwise.  

But really this month has been very busy with meetings and political events. Candidate fundraisers, Party meetings, and at least one fundraiser for the homeless shelters in the area. So I really have been busy.  

I published the newsletter for the Democratic Women of DuPage County (DWDC) and I now an the administrator for our facebook page.  And I will be managing the web site for the group also.  I have caused some resentment in the group because I am impatient and I took over the newsletter.  The woman who volunteered to produce the newsletter over a year ago had not even started to do anything.  At all!  After a year of waiting I called her and volunteered to help her.  I don't what I was thinking.  Then I just got tired of waiting on her to do something, anything to produce this newsletter and did it myself.  I guess I became the Little Red Hen and I did it myself. Her feelings were hurt and I didn't care.  How awful of me but I can't help it.  If I volunteered for a task and did nothing for a whole year I would be embarrassed and would gladly give it over to someone else.  But she and I have been at odds for awhile.  So I am heartless and in this case I just can't get worked up over it.  On top of everything else, she criticized the one I produced.  I could care less.  Sigh.

On a lighter note, I made chili today even though I went out to dinner with the DWDC.  I made it just for left overs.  Think chili dogs, smothered burritos and a nice bowl of chili!  I added ground ancho chili to it along with chili powder. Yummm!