Friday, January 16, 2009

Denver 59, Chicago 8, Grissom and Gravy

The high today in Denver is going to be 59 according to the Denver Post newspaper.  That is the current temperature in my kitchen.  It is minus 11 outside now and the high is suppose to be 8. I need to go to the grocery store but I want to wait until the temperature reaches 0. It probably does not make much of a difference but I don't care.  WAIT, the weather report just said temperatures won't reach that until tonight!  Well, I guess I am in for a road trip with the extreme cold.  Sigh

There is snow on my satellite dish and I have not watched television since Tuesday.  I can watch the programs I recorded before the snow froze on the dish and dvds, but not live television.  I missed the last CSI program with Grissom.  My neighbor said he would try and find a 40ft ladder and go up and knock the snow off, but I can't imagine him doing it today.

I made biscuits and gravy for breakfast today.  My sausage gravy turned out velvety and creamy.  I could not make gravy for the longest time.  I just could not make it where it tasted like paste so I just stopped trying to make it for a very long time.  My mom made wonderful, velvety gravy.  But I never learned how to.  On top if that, my husband doesn't like gravy so it wasn't an issue.  No pressure to make it because he did not want any.  But I like gravy, so I would just buy the dry mixes and that was good enough for me.  I started to watch Tyler Florence regularly and I just had to try again.  It took some time, making paste again and again, until I got it right.  I ate some awful gravy sometimes but now I have it down pat.  For me this was a great accomplishment.  I can cook a lot of things with great confidence but gravy was not one of them.  I'm feeling real good about myself and my sausage gravy.

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